


  小学生,讲文明,礼貌用语经常用。见朋友,点点头,实在匆忙摆摆手。 还物品,说奉还,请人谅解说包涵。拜访人,说求见,无法满足说抱歉。小朋友们,一起来听听这首《礼貌用语歌》吧。




  打招呼行个礼 问声好要称呼

  遇长辈要谦恭 遇伙伴要友好

  不插话不吵闹 不任性不慌张

  打扰了可以吗 谢谢你不客气

  对不起没关系 再见吧请慢走

  文明用语要记牢 待人礼节要知道

  从小学会懂礼貌 人见人爱乖宝宝

  文明用语要记牢 待人礼节要知道

  从小学会懂礼貌 人见人爱乖宝宝 呀乖宝宝

  打招呼行个礼 问声好要称呼

  遇长辈要谦恭 遇伙伴要友好

  不插话不吵闹 不任性不慌张

  打扰了可以吗 谢谢你不客气

  对不起没关系 再见吧请慢走

  文明用语要记牢 待人礼节要知道

  从小学会懂礼貌 人见人爱乖宝宝

  文明用语要记牢 待人礼节要知道

  从小学会懂礼貌 人见人爱乖宝宝 呀乖宝宝


  To say hello and ask for a good call

  Meet the elders to be courteous and friendly

  Without interruption, no quarrel, no capricious and unflurried

  Excuse me, can you thank you for your kindness

  Never mind sorry goodbye bye

  Civilized language to remember to know others etiquette

  From the primary school will be polite and cute baby

  Civilized language to remember to know others etiquette

  From the primary school will be polite, cute baby boy

  To say hello and ask for a good call

  Meet the elders to be courteous and friendly

  Without interruption, no quarrel, no capricious and unflurried

  Excuse me, can you thank you for your kindness

  Never mind sorry goodbye bye

  Civilized language to remember to know others etiquette

  From the primary school will be polite and cute baby

  Civilized language to remember to know others etiquette

  From the primary school will be polite, cute baby boy
